I Met God (and the Devil) in an Uber

in two parts and an interlude

Daniel Rendón ‘21 Senior Honors Project in Playwriting, Acting, & Directing

Premiered May 14th, 2021

How much pain and suffering can we take as human beings before we reach the end of the line? What is the price of being good? What is the price of being bad? In Daniel Rendón’s new play, Santiago, a down-on-his-luck Uber driver, is pushed to find the answers - but will he? Watch below!

 I Met God (and the Devil) in an Uber - Part 1: Inferno

The Interlude: A Space Between Time

I Met God (and the Devil) in an Uber - Part 2: Purgatorio

Daniel Rendón ‘21

Scene Director
Ron Bashford

Associate Director and Edited Adaptation
Daniel Rendón ‘21

Ron Bashford
Kathy Couch

Julian Brown ‘23

Scenic Design
Lauren Thompson

Costume Design
Lorelei Dietz '20

Lighting Design
Kathy Couch
Henry Bassett ‘23

Sound Design
Julian Brown ‘23

Stage Manager
Renz Toledo ‘22

Mattea Denny ‘22
Leah Folpe ‘22
Nick Govus ‘22
Sylvie Mahoro ‘23
Daniel Rendón ‘21
Clarence Zachary ‘23
Abadai Zoboi ‘24

Camera and Sound Ops / Studio Technicians
Henry Bassett ‘23
Makayla Boxley ‘24
Malyaka Imran ‘22
Spenser Michaels ‘24